Is Surfing Blind Possible?  Total Darkness!

Is Surfing Blind Possible? Total Darkness!

We are always looking for new video ideas, but this idea seemed a little too impossible to think of on our own. We had some help! One day we were at school and a good buddy stopped me in the hall and asked how we came up with our videos. I told him, we just try to think of cool things that people would like to watch whether it's impossible or not and try to make it happen.  He said, "I got an idea you need to try!"  When he said try surfing blind I knew that was insane, and usually insane goes crazy on YouTube!  

So the weekend arrived, we grabbed our blind fold and skim board and headed to the pond.  The first thing we needed to do was make sure we could jump on the board. I set the board down and gave it one last look before putting on the blind fold.  Everything became so dark, and I definitely could not see a thing. I was so blind my brother started messing with me while I was setting up and I could only hear where he was. I ended up swinging at him and hit him, LOL! 

Finally the time came to give it a shot. I yelled to my brother GO!, and I jumped and landed on top of the board and it doesn't take long to get to 20MPH and feel the wind on your face.  I knew I did it, but then I quickly started to panic.  How was I going to stop, where was I going to land, or was I going to hit a tree.  When you're in total darkness your mind kind of starts thinking through worse case scenarios.  I was trying to rely on my hearing or just feeling my way down the pond but I let go of the rope and sunk.  It was a success, but I knew I could do better!

For my 2nd BLIND run we got an idea, my dad was going to call out "you're good" over and over to let me know where I was, so that's what we did.  I started out on the water and he yelled "YOU'RE GOOD!" real loud, and after about 75 yards I tried to hit a 360 trick on the water but fell immediately but that didn't matter, I was getting pretty confident with the blind fold. I decided to give it one last try.

For my 3rd and final run, we decided to have a call out called "Tree" which would let me know that I'm midway with a huge Pine tree that is the halfway point on the pond. The next call out would be "You're Good" like before and the final call out would be "JUMP".  The "Jump" callout would let me know I'm at the end of the run and I either need to let you or jump off the board and land on grass.  After hearing myself say these call outs it reminds me of how crazy this idea really was.

I yelled out to my brother "GO!" jumped on the board, and everything was going great!  My dad yelled "TREE" and I knew I had another 75 yards to go, so I hit a 360 came out of the trick and than I heard "JUMP" "JUMP" "JUMP", it happened so fast, so I leaped and was in the air for what seemed to be a minute and than I felt my feet hit the ground!  It was amazing!  I immediately pulled off the blind fold and started running around giving high five to my brother and dad...  

If you liked this story, leave us a comment and check out our YouTube!  

See You Later!  


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